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Quiz: How Green is Your Life?

By: Susan Hunt MA - Updated: 17 Apr 2024 | comments*Discuss
Green Quiz Recycle Environment Packaging

With constant warnings about climate change, global warning and the depletion of natural resources, virtually everyone is now aware that we need to live a greener lifestyle.

And while using a jute bag instead of plastic carrier bags when you go shopping once a week is a small step in the right direction, it certainly isn't enough if you want to make a real difference and do your bit for the environment.

So, are you really adopting a more eco-friendly lifestyle – or just paying lip service to the idea?

Take our Twenty Questions Green Quiz to find out just how far up the environmental ladder you’ve climbed ….


Do you...

1. Switch off the light whenever you’re the last to leave a room ?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

2. Fit a new energy efficient lightbulb whenever a bulb blows?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

3. Always close the door to keep in the heat (if popping out to the dustbin/get something from the car etc)?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

4. Recycle bottles and cans and newspapers?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

5. Recycle cardboard, cartons and packaging?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

6. Use the washing machine on a cool wash whenever possible?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

7. Wait until you have a full load to wash rather than use the machine for just a few items?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

8. Walk instead of drive when you pop to the local shop, take children to the park, parties etc ?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

9. Give old clothes, furniture and unwanted household items to charity/recycling rather than put in the bin?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

10. Check when buying a new appliance or electrical equipment, whether it has a good energy-saving rating?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

11. Use the compost bin regularly ?(choose never if you don’t have one yet)

a) Never
c) Always

12. Use rainwater (collected in a butt or barrel) for use in watering plants etc?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

13. Buy local foodstuff to save on food miles?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

14. Use public transport or car-share on journeys to work whenever possible?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

15. Choose products with minimal/re-usable packaging whenever possible– eg milk in bottles, non-boxed cosmetics etc?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

16. Buy recycled or Fairtrade products when possible – such as computer paper, notebooks, clothing, tea, coffee, fruit etc?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

17. Buy from charity shops (and therefore help in recycling of clothing, books, bric-a-brac etc)?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

18. Dry washing outside (when weather permits) rather than use a tumble drier or turn up the heating to dry clothes?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

19. Switch off the TV, computer or stereo rather than leave on standby?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

20. Carry shopping home in re-useable bags rather than use supermarket plastic carrier bags?

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Always

Add Up Your Score

2 points for each Always answer
1 point for each Sometimes answer
0 point for each Never answer

(If there’s a good reason why you can’t do something (use public transport/car-share for work, for example, because no-one lives in your direction and there’s no bus service, then choose Sometimes rather than Never as your answer for that particular question.

Your Green Score

Less than 12 points
Have you even heard about climate change and the planetary threat? If so, you are not giving it the priority it deserves.As the class teacher would say – Must Do Better!

Between 12-20 points
You are already doing a few basic things – but there is so much more that you could be doing to show your concern for the environment. Note some of the tips in our quiz – and start to implement them

Between 20-34 points
You demonstrate a good environmental conscience – but there’s still room for improvement, so look at the questions where you scored badly and make some changes

Between 35- 40 points
Wow, you certainly know your Greens. If you scored this highly, you can rightly call yourself a Green Champion – well done and keep up the good work!

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I appreciated this quiz because I discovered that with myself I can change something
Veruz - 17-Apr-24 @ 11:40 AM
Between 20-34 points You demonstrate a good environmental conscience – but there’s still room for improvement, so look at the questions where you scored badly and make some changes
Barshall - 21-Sep-21 @ 4:30 AM
I have got 25 points and I think it is okay, I feel good about it
Jan - 3-Feb-21 @ 12:07 PM
I have 27 points and Ithink it's not bad but it could have been better.
Maja - 3-Feb-21 @ 12:02 PM
I have 29 points, in my opinion it is quite a lot but on the other hand it could be better
Ula - 3-Feb-21 @ 11:58 AM
I got 26 points so I think it's not bad but it could have been better. I will try to improve and live differently and better
Wiktoria - 3-Feb-21 @ 9:23 AM
My score is 25 points and i feel good with that
Julian W - 3-Feb-21 @ 9:21 AM
Good check list and was happy to score high on most points. But I guess that is the case for mostenvironmentally conscious folks who would have logged into this :)
JonV - 16-Jul-20 @ 6:20 PM
I am just wondering why tourism was left off your list?Surely unnecessary travel, needless environmental degradation, unabated hedonistic gratification and chronic waste of resources,, as all of these things are how I perceive any form of tourism to be, should be actively and passively discouraged!
Jonny - 15-Jan-19 @ 8:50 AM
We live in an eco house and I am very pleased how many of these inititives we follow.Looking forward there are still areas we can do more. With more walking and increasing our use of busses.
kevin - 23-May-12 @ 9:58 PM
I was surprised at how much we are already doing as a family in our effort to preserve this planet. However I have realised that there is still more we can do and am always willing to learn:)
mumi - 17-May-12 @ 1:28 PM
We all must try to make a difference by cutting down on our carbon print so that we willleave a better world for next,next,next generation
Lexy - 6-Mar-12 @ 11:01 AM
I really do want to make a change so when i see something and learn of how to make a difference i really do make an effort to do so.I am Ozone Friendly and Happy.
MAZ - 7-Nov-11 @ 4:44 PM
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